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who thought that you could use a chuckle or two.
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One More Time Around the Caribbean!

Yeah, you read correctly.  
Last Seen heading home to unpack from their recent adventure aboard the Royal Caribbean Jewel of The Seas, you're favorite traveling wackos [they're still your favorites aren’t they?] are headed back out to sea.
For those that missed that little detail reported in the finale of NOWAT-CARIB WEST 2022, we’ll recap a portion of that conversation here:
As Dragon Lady was saying… 
" seems the Tempelshifs and the lovely folks that cruised with us had won a complimentary cruise and a handful of cabins for all their casino play - and they invited us to join them - at no cost.  We just have to pay $250 port charges."
Well now, tell the Dragon Lady that she can get a *Free* 9 day cruise to the Southern Caribbean and...
Yeah… you get the rest – they're off to the A-B-C Islands!
Truth be told, THEY are already on the cruise, and HE is just getting around to catching up with this NOWAT,  having a helluva time doing so because…
The NOWAT for the last one, 
NOWAT CARIB East 2022 
was interrupted on their return by numerous medical and other appointments, etc  – noted below - and was just finished. 
But enough about that, let’s get to the Pre-Trip set up for what will forever be referred to as:
Since the new adventure is on the Celebrity Equinox, and the get outta town date is January 21, guess who has to get another Covid Test by January 19.  Yup, Chucky and DL, Fortunately the test site is just around the corner and they'll get results in 2 hours.
On their return from the last cruise, his dance card for the following two weeks was filled with PET scans,  Covid tests, an Endoscopic dilation procedure, physical therapy for his neck, an MBSS <-*CLick*], his oncology follow up on the PET Scan, - right after another pre-cruise Covid test - and before other stuff, etc., etc.
But then on Tuesday, 
while waiting outside the PET scan for the CD and report to send to Proton Radiologist Dr. Kaiser at Baptist, he first, gets a ding on the Memorial Patient Portal App that the results were already posted, which read, in so many words... "ALL CLEAR" YAY
And then, on the way across the street to the COVID TEST for the procedure with Dr. Block... he gets a call from Dr. Block’s office that stopped him in his tracks.  

Maria Says, 
"Due to the Covid-19 Omicron surge, Memorial Health System has ordered a hold on the Endoscopy and Dilation for the 14th and we have to reschedule it for the 28th."
Now that would be fine except... well you KNOW from the insert above where he’ll be January 28.  
YUP, somewhere between Aruba and Port Everglades and NOT in the Endoscopy Lab at Memorial West with Dr. Block reaming away... Obviously!
With the Endoscopy being rescheduled, he has to scramble to cancel the Covid Test for the "non-procedure" before he gets dinged as a no show. After much calendar perusal on both their parts, Blocks office reschedules the procedure for February 4th. 
So with the rest of the week freed up, it’s just a bit of physical therapy for his neck and maybe a trip to… DSW ‘cause ya know… 
A new trip requires new shoes, 
OF Course.  
Truthfully, HER last pair of “Little Black Shoes” got a bit tight from all the sandal wearing/feet spreading and new ones WERE in order.
Most of the other prep for the trip, including the Pre-cruise COVID TEST were accomplished the following week. 
And Voila, with little, if any "Packing Ballet Drama", they were packed and ready to meet the Tempelshifs, Donna's Brother Richard and Steve & Ellen for dinner the Thursday night before the cruise.

Dinner was lovely, only marred by a torrential downpour all night making getting everyone back to their hotel around the corner a challenge.

We'll pick this up tomorrow, with any embarkation drama or Whatevah.

Ciao 4 Now
Uncle Chuck
 & The excited to be on the Equinox

Dragon Lady


  1. Awesome! So glad you are on your way!

    Hope to meet up again one day my friends! sara
