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We Can’t Do What? Part II

So where were we?  Oh yeah Lunch on Deck14 discussing the current dilemma of getting Lesley’s ashes scattered in Aruba, which is tabled until we can research options and solutions.  Time for Chucky and Steve to head up to Deck 15 for the Glass blowing exhibition, and the others to the Casino.
While up top, we discover that the glass blowing installation opposite the big outdoor screen is no simple operation. They have some serious ovens and glass making equipment actually backed up to the ships stacks and are actually managed by Hollywood Hot Glass based in the Young Circle Arts Park in Hollywood, FL. where they hold classes and you can make your own creation.
Way cool, we gotta check them out when we get home.  The grandsons would love that, so SHE thinks.
While there, Steve comments that he has heard that most of the land based excursions in Aruba are all but sold out and is worrying that they are gonna have a problem completing their mission.  It has already got Ellen in a funk and he is not far behind.
Chucky is getting upset that his friend is having a hard time reconciling the dilemma s
o while Steve hangs back to watch a BIG Bowl being made, HE decides to wander down to see if the crowd at the Excursion desk has lightened up and if there was anything they could do to help S&E+Bob out.
Can you guess where this is gonna wind up?
Go Ahead… Guess.
Once at the Excursion desk, the nice fellow there, we’ll call him Harry, tries his best to explain the port restrictions are made by the islands not Celebrity.  And there is no way any of the remaining Excursions for Aruba can accommodate the situation as Chucky was outlining it.  Harry’s supervisor senses an issue and intervenes in another attempt to explain their position.
Chucky has already conceded that Celebrity has no control on the port restrictions but reiterates that Celebrity had to know this well before sailing and could have alerted all cruisers well in advance so S&E+Bob could have made other arrangements. 

We know this had to be true because some of Steve’s friends had booked this same itinerary for 2 weeks after this cruise and had been alerted by Celebrity at the beginning of January about possible port closings due to Covid 19.  As such, the other couple had cancelled their cruise until they got word that all ports reopened.

Chucky found this port closing stuff to be particularly wacky as they – TE6 - had just been to Aruba 14 days before on the RCCL JEWEL and spent 2 days onshore, unfettered in any way!
Now Chucky has kicked into high gear and as he points out the above fact and convinced that Celebrity had sufficient prior knowledge of the port closings, he indicates that it was incumbent upon Celebrity to find a way to get S&E+Bob some type of transportation, aside from currently available shore excursions to at least get their mission completed.
Harry’s Supervisor, we'll call him Herman, is getting frustrated as he has no valid response and recommends that we try the Guest Relations desk.  Perhaps they’ll have a better answer.
Now at Guest Relations, Chuck meets the lovely Maria and starts right off with:
“Good Day my Dear, Please call a supervisor, I'm sure you won't be able to address this issue.”
Undaunted, Maria assures Chucky that won't be necessary, she is sure she can help. Chucky appreciates her confidence but assures her that this challenge is well above her paygrade and it would be in her best interest to call a supervisor, as she insists on hearing the issue.
As Chucky says OK, and begins to outline the problem [see the notes above] his volume begins to increase [for the effect Chucky knows it will have] and of course, Salvatore pops out of the back office to listen in.
Ahhh, that’s what we’re looking for, and Chucky starts all over again, focusing now on Salvatore. 
As the tone of the discourse was such, up pops Dan Hutchinson, Director of Hotel Operations who motions the others off and asks Chuck to please explain the issue and we’re off again, from the beginning, confident that HE may just have the right one this time to make things happen.
Dan patiently listened to the details, including Chucky reinforcing his belief that Celebrity had prior knowledge of the port issues well before sailing.

Chucky went on to outline the emotional toll it was having on S&E+Bob and there was apparently nothing the excursion desk was prepared to do to assist. He emphasized that it was now incumbent on Celebrity to come up with some solution and/or mode of transportation to get them to the stops.  Rent a Cab, Rent a Van, DO SOMETHING!  
Chucky continues to offer suggestions, not shy to drop several corporate names he is familiar with. 
And... you must know by now, HE has the complete directory of the RCCL/Celebrity Corporate offices including Celebrity V.P. of Hotel Ops Brian Abel’s direct line and email.  Of course he does!  
Dan, astute fellow that he is [he wouldn’t be running the Hotel Operations otherwise] realizes that he has a handful here and after profusely apologizing, promises to look into the issue and get right back to him with some potential solutions.  Chucky suggests not to get back to him but to further engage S&E+Bob and advise them as to just what can be done for them.
Now rendezvousing with the rest of TE7 in the Casino, Chucky fills Steve in on the goings on at the GR desk and to expect a call from Dan.
For now we'll have to wait and see 
how this all plays out, if the "Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease" and Dan can step up.
We'll cover Happy Hour and Dinner in the next episode, and we betcha just can't wait to hear the solution to Aruba... or can ya?


Ciao 4 Now

Uncle Chuck 

The feeling a bit of sympathy for Dan and Crew, 

Dragon Lady

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